
Modular dictionary generator
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      1 #!/bin/sh
      3 version="1.0"
      4 RED='\033[0;31m'
      5 YELLOW='\033[1;33m'
      6 GREEN='\033[0;32m'
      7 GREY='\033[0;37m'
      8 NC='\033[0m'
     10 printf "\n"
     11 printf "${GREEN}                  .                              \n"; sleep 0.05;
     12 printf "                                                         \n"; sleep 0.05;
     13 printf "                   .${NC}                                \n"; sleep 0.05;
     14 printf "${YELLOW}         /^\ ${NC}     ${GREEN}.${NC}           \n"; sleep 0.05;
     15 printf "${RED}    /\ ${NC}  ${YELLOW}\"V\"${NC}                  \n"; sleep 0.05;
     16 printf "${RED}   /__\ ${NC}  I    ${GREEN}  O  o   ${NC}         \n"; sleep 0.06;
     17 printf "${RED}  //${NC}..${RED}\\\\\\  ${NC}I${GREEN}     . ${NC}\n"; sleep 0.06;
     18 printf "${RED}  \]${NC}.\`${RED}[/${NC}  I   ${GREEN}       ${NC}\n"; sleep 0.06;
     19 printf "${RED}  /l\/j\ ${NC} (]   ${GREEN} .  O     ${NC}        \n"; sleep 0.06;
     20 printf "${RED} /. ~~ ,\\/${NC}I   ${GREEN}       .  ${NC}        \n"; sleep 0.07;
     21 printf "${RED} \\\\\\L__j^\/${NC}I ${GREEN}      o  ${NC}        \n"; sleep 0.07;
     22 printf "${RED}  \/-- }  ${NC}I    ${GREEN} o   .    ${NC}        \n"; sleep 0.08;
     23 printf "${RED}  |I  N|  ${NC}I${GREY}   _________   ${NC}        \n"; sleep 0.08;
     24 printf "${RED}  |C  I|  ${NC}I${GREY} c(         )o ${NC}        \n"; sleep 0.09;
     25 printf "${RED}  |X  Kl  ${NC}I${GREY}   \.     ,/   ${NC}        \n"; sleep 0.1;
     26 printf "${RED}_/ C  A \_${NC}!${GREY}  _//^---^\\\\_${NC}    -Row\n"; sleep 0.1;
     27 printf "\n"; sleep 1;
     28 # The ASCII art was originally created by Row. It has been modified.
     30 printf "${GREEN}NARTHEX ELDER $version\n"; sleep 0.1;
     31 printf "Wizard program for Narthex ${NC}\n"; sleep 0.1;
     32 printf "By Michael Constantine Dimopoulos\n"; sleep 0.1;
     33 printf "  <>\n\n"; sleep 0.5;
     35 printf "${RED}You will be asked a couple of questions regarding the target.\n"; sleep 2;
     36 printf "And Narthex will generate a personalized wordlist based on the information.\n"; sleep 2;
     37 printf "You are encouraged to edit the file yourself.${NC}\n\n"; sleep 2;
     38 printf "Leave as many blank as you like\n\n"
     40 printf "${RED}-Questions-${NC}\n"
     41 echo -n "Name: "
     42 read name;  echo "$name"  >> /tmp/narthextemp.txt;
     43 echo -n "Last name: "
     44 read lname; echo "$lname" >> /tmp/narthextemp.txt;
     45 echo -n "Nickname: "
     46 read nname; echo "$nname" >> /tmp/narthextemp.txt;
     47 echo -n "Birthday: "
     48 read bday;  echo "$bday"  >> /tmp/narthextemp.txt;
     49 echo -n "Birthyear: "
     50 read byear; echo "$byear" >> /tmp/narthextemp.txt;
     51 echo -n "Phone number: "
     52 read phn;   echo "$phn"   >> /tmp/narthextemp.txt;
     53 echo -n "Pet name: "
     54 read pname; echo "$pname" >> /tmp/narthextemp.txt;
     55 echo -n "Spouce name: "
     56 read sname; echo "$sname" >> /tmp/narthextemp.txt;
     57 #echo "Other keywords (separated by space): "
     58 #read other
     60 cat /tmp/narthextemp.txt | sed '/^$/d' | tr -d ' ' | nhance | ninc 1 30 | nleet > "${name}".txt
     61 rm /tmp/narthextemp.txt
     62 echo "[!] Exported at $name.txt"