
My name is Michael Constantine Dimopoulos, I'm a practicing Orthodox Christian and an EECS major at the International Hellenic University. My main interests include philosophy, theology, history, folklore, the arts, electronics & computing. Within the field of CS, I'm mostly concerned with programming & algorithms, the theory of computation, Unix, computer architechture, hacking, making & cracking. Yes, that greasy wog with messy pomade hair is me. This photo is from the Andreas cave in the Nautilus hackerspace, in Sindos.
I'm a supporter of the Free Software movement, and an advocate for free, peer-to-peer, decentralised & federated communications.
I enjoy studying folklore, art, traditions & legends, mainly of the Greeks, but also related peoples in rest of the Balkans & Anatolia, around the Mediterranean & Black seas, in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, the Caucasus & more. I'm also interested in symbolism & mysticism.
I was born in Thessaloniki, Greece, and raised in the region of central Macedonia. I descent from a number of places in mainland Greece, the islands & Anatolia.

My name in Greek is Μιχαήλ Κωνσταντίνος Δημόπουλος. It's fairly standard for a Greek name, but it can be transliterated in a number of different ways. Μιχαήλ in english can be Michael, Mikhail, Michail, Mikhael etc. Similarly, Κωνσταντίνος can be Constantine, Konstantinos, Constantinos, etc. All of these variations are correct & I don't really have preference for any of them.
Check out Shirako's personal website. He's a great friend, colleague, and fellow alumnus of mine!
Contact & links
- Email: <>
- LinkedIn: Michael Constantine Dimopoulos
- Github: MichaelDim02
- Git server: git/
- Resume: cv.pdf,
- Digital business card:
$ curl -L
- Standalone contact page: contact.html
Monero address:
Alternatively, to support me for free you can use my referral link for, a VPS service. As a result you will get $100 credit for a month on vultr and I get $25, which is about 3 months of hosting my website, email server and everything else I run on this server. The link: